
среда, 26 декабря 2012 г.

W.S. Maugham 'In a Strange Land'

William Somerset Maugham (25 January 1874 – 16 December 1965) was a British playwright, novelist and short story writer. He was among the most popular writers of his era and reputedly the highest paid author during the 1930s. His partially autobiographical novel Of Human Bondage (1915) is generally acknowledged as his masterpiece and is one of the best realistic English novels on the early 20th century. Among his best works are The Moon and Sixpence (1919), The Painted Veil (1925), Cakes and Ale (1930) and Cataline: A Romance (1948).
This title of the story has direct and indirect meaning.The direct meaning refers to the thought that the main character was in a foreign country , so that place was strange and odd for him.
As indirect meaning I guess that the wordplay takes place here.The Englishwomen who the traveler called "landlady" seemed strange for him (because he was wondered why the foreign country did not influenced her) that's why the author entitle the story in a strange land.
As for the themes of this story I think they are : the influence of the foreign country (or absence of it)-she had remained the precise prim English ladys maid, knowing her place, through all these vicissitudes because she had no faculty of surprise ; international marriages : in our story the parents of Signora Niccolini were agains her marriage ; and all-forgiving love : The husband of the main character had two children from another women.
The main character was a traveler who was interested in people while traveling but  not in sightseeing . Once in Turkey, he stayed at the hotel and met there Signora Niccolini - an Englishwoman and the landlady of the that hotel. After her strange gift(a hot-water bottle), he decided to talk to her. In conversation she told him about herself (that she was a house-keeper in service in a noble English family), about her family (that they were against the marriage with a foreigner), and about her husband, who died fifteen years ago. One day she told him about her children who were adopted illegitimate sons of her husband what she in her turn found normal.
I daresay that th main idea of this story is to show us that there are people who are not influenced by the language and culture of foreign country , they save their behavior and manners from their childhood,from their motherland.
I would like to tell you about Signora Niccolini , she was a woman from the British family ,  she had remained the precise prim English ladys maid, knowing her place, through all these vicissitudes because she had no faculty of surprise. She was married with he Italian man , against her parents disagreement.After his death she never returned to her motherland.
As for my impression I like this story , because it is rather interesting and easy to read.The behavior of the Signora Niccolini  impressed me greatly as I wonder how she could adopt illegitimate children of her husband.  On the whole the story is really exiting especially  the last 10 lines.

четверг, 6 декабря 2012 г.

Individual Reading

Rendering: week 11

The article "Greener Pastures for the Billing Process" was published on the website eponline.com on Oct 18, 2012.
The article carries a lot of comment on the digital revolution which is making business and personal communications, media content consumption, household banking and a host of other activities largely paper-free, which is obviously a big plus for the environment.
Giving appraisal of the situation it's necessary to point out that an intensely paper-driven operation, billing departments in companies of all types and sizes are taking advantage of new technology to convert virtually every business billing transaction to an electronic platform.
Analyzing the situation it's necessary to emphasize that the author told us that driving the billing process to greener pastures makes sense for everyone involved.
In addition to reducing the environmental impact of paper billing, electronic invoicing and payment transactions deliver huge time and money savings to the companies that produce invoices while also providing significant benefits to bill recipients.
In this connection it’s worthwhile mentioning that today, businesses across many industries are sending over 80% of their bills via electronic channels and receiving the round-trip payments electronically. Whether an HVAC supplier, apparel manufacturer or industrial plastic distributor, all have achieved remarkable eBilling rates.

Speaking of this situation it is also interesting to note that the author suggests Tips for Launching a Green Billing Initiative :
·Designate a green billing champion
·Set objectives
·Provide a variety of green billing methods
·Explain the strategy to customers
·Provide incentives to customers
 In conclusion the author of the article expresses the view that businesses can make a major reduction in their environmental impact by improving the billing process, but it’s important to keep the big picture in mind and choose methods that will deliver real results.The good news is that more and more companies are giving sustainability initiatives a higher priority in the name of good corporate citizenship. Those that do so can make real progress by moving to a green billing process that seeks to eliminate the use of paper. When companies move toward sustainable billing practices, everyone wins: Company sustainability goals are advanced. Processing costs are dramatically reduced. Companies and customers alike save time and money. And the environment takes less of a hit from wasteful paper-based invoicing and payment transactions. For these reasons, it’s time to move billing to greener pastures.
As for me I think that the digital revolution will be of benefit not only to the environment, but also to people.They will become more advanced in this area, plus deforestation and waste will be reduced .

Rendering : Week 10

The article "Toxic China: Widespread lead pollution is poisoning children"  was published on the website naturalnews.com on March 10, 2012 by Ethan A. Huff.
The article discusses that China has one of the worst track records for rampant environmental pollution with industrial materials and chemicals.
Giving appraisal of the situation it's necessary to point out that a recent report out of the town of Dongtang, which is located in China's major manufacturing region of Guangdong, has revealed that at least 160 local children there have been poisoned by lead pollution released from local factories.
Analyzing the situation it's necessary to emphasize that the author told us that ongoing investigations in the region have revealed "elevated" levels of lead in the blood of many children who live near heavy manufacturing plants.
And many of these plants produce products like batteries that involve the use of lead and other heavy metals, which end up getting released into the air and water, oftentimes contaminating local crops and the food supply.
In this connection it’s worthwhile mentioning that according to the South China Morning Post, there are already more than 500 reported cases of lead poisoning in children living throughout China's major manufacturing regions, and that this is "only the tip of the iceberg."
In numerous regions across that country, children are testing positive for lead in their blood at ranges between 100 and 256 milligrams per liter (mg/L), or between 10,000 micrograms per deciliter (micrograms/dL) and 25,600 micrograms/dL.
Speaking of this situation it is also interesting to note that according to the U.S. government's MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, the normal range for lead in the blood is less than 20 micrograms/dL in adults, and less than ten micrograms/dL in children. This means that some of the Chinese children tested have levels of lead in their blood that are a shocking 2,560 percent higher than what is considered "normal."
It's an open secret that many Chinese residents have been raising new complaints about the country's excessive pollution problems, which are visibly affecting air quality, rivers, lakes, and crops.
But according to many reports, these complaints have largely fallen on deaf ears, as those in charge of this burgeoning, industrializing nation are dragging their feet in addressing these very serious public health concerns.
 In resolute terms the author of the article expresses the view that lead problems in China are not new, of course, as many NaturalNews readers will recall the massive Mattel recall back in 2007 that involved nearly one million toys. Barbie dolls, Hot Wheels cars, and many other popular pastimes now manufactured in China were found to contain dangerous levels of lead in their paint.
In conclusion the author mentioned  that  to address the problems themselves, some local Chinese residents have staged protests and boycotts of companies emitting the deadly pollution. And in at least one case back in 2009, a group of activists stormed a manufacturing plant responsible for poisoning at least 600 children, destroying all the equipment inside.
As for me I think that pollution is a very serious problem, and in case it threatens the health of children, it should be solved immediately.
Unfortunately the government will take action only when the situation becomes critical (although I think it has reached this level).