
воскресенье, 18 мая 2014 г.

TASKS for Chapters 19-21

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:
an understudy - дублер
perfidy -измена
wanton temperament – своенравный темперамент
to cut the date – отменить встречу
an American conjurer – американский иллюзионист
to make a stab at acting in America – попытаться сделать актерскую карьеру в Америке
off the nail – быть навеселе
the R.A.D.A. – Королевская академия драмы
in point of fact – в действительности
insipid - безвкусный
hard as nails – в форме
for toffee – ни за что
be a sport – будь человеком
to beat about the bush – ходить вокруг да около
to feel all in – чувствовать себя в порядке
to give the air – не принять во внимание
to put one's foot down – занять твердую позицию
IV. Answer the questions:
1. Under what circumstances did Roger get acquainted with Joan Denver? What kind of favour (польза; услуга; одолжение) did he ask of Julie? – that was Tom Fennel`s ide to acquaint Roger with Joan Denver. After the show boys Invited Jill and Joan to Tom`s flat and spent the night together. As Joan Denver wanted to take part at new play of Siddons theatre, she asked Roger to put in a good word for her in front of Julia Lambert.
2. Why did Julie feel she had lost Roger? – when Roger had shared his impression of new love experience with his mother, Julia suddenly understood that Roger grew older.
3. How did Tom react to Julie's plans to take her play to New York? – Tom was extremely glad about Julia`s plans in New York, and insisted that Julia should not reject such favorable offer.
4. What kind of new acquaintances and connections did Tom make through Julie? –
It had spread around among Julia's grander friends that Tom was very clever at helping one with one's income-tax returns. The Dennorants had asked him down to the country for a week-end, and here he had met a number of persons who were glad to take advantage of his technical knowledge. He began to get invitations from people whom Julia did not know. Acquaintances would mention him to her.
5. How did Julie receive Joan Denver? - She received Joan Denver the moment she had taken her last call. In spite of the play ending, Julia continued to play the imperious, aloof, stately and well-bred woman of the play. In a glance she had taken in the young girl who entered her dressing-room. "Very second-rate." – thought Julia. Inwardly Julia slung mud at Joan but outwardly, she carried it off (не подать виду)
 6. How did Michael hear about Avice Crichton? – Tom Fennel told Michael about Avice Crichton.
7. Why does Maugham describe Julie's appearance at the Sunday night show as "beautifully timed?" He described Julia’s appearance at the Sunday night show as “beautifully timed” because she arrived a few minutes before the play started and people were clapping for her, even when she disturbed them to take her place.
8. What impression did Avice Crichton and her acting produce on Julie? - . Avice Crichton was very pretty, no one could deny that, with lovely golden hair, fine blue eyes and a little straight nose; but it was a type that Julia did not care for.
Julia watched her performance for a few minutes. She watched intently, then she leant back in her stall with a little sigh. - "She can't act for toffee,"* she decided
9. Why did it irk Tom to have to come back with Julie after the Sunday night show? –  He was silent in the car and she knew that it irked him to have to come back with her. She guessed that someone was giving a supper party to which Avice Crichton was going and he wanted to be there.
10. What kind of relationship did Tom and Avice have? – Tom was in love with Avice, but that was not mutually, because Avice used Tom`s connection with Julia Lambert for her purpose to play on a stage.

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